Areas of Practice
Why Choose Margolis & Cross to Represent You?
We are an ambitious office dedicated to serving individuals in our community who need a tough and thoughtful lawyer. We are aggressive litigators who stand by our clients for the duration. We maintain the highest standards of ethics but do not hesitate to challenge the law, judges, prosecutors and others for our clients. We maintain a low case-load so that, for those we are able to accept, we can dedicate the necessary amount of time and effort required for that cause.
Our Results
The decision by the Michigan Court of Appeals is an important victory for the rights of low income individuals and others who do not understand and cannot afford to fight local governments in these frivolous nuisance actions, brought to seize private property and unlawfully evict families from their homes. I was proud to fight for […]
Margolis Law obtained post-conviction relief for an Australian National by vacating his conviction for Possession/Use of Marijuana, due to the fact that the Defendant entered the plea without the benefit of immigration advice.
Margolis Law defended a Vietnamese National from a charge of CSC 1, getting the case dismissed after a preliminary examination.
Oakland County (2012): Obtained $40,000.00 settlement for being wrongly accused of a crime by a 7-11 employee.
See the details of this case in the consent order Consent Order (002) Update The agreement that Castleberry and Margolis Law worked out, and which was signed Jan. 22 by Lenawee County Circuit Judge Anna Marie Anzalone, dismissed the original charges and had Nishikawa plead guilty to three counts of carrying a concealed knife. Castleberry said […]
Washtenaw County (2013): Obtained $125,000 settlement for Plaintiff injured in automobile accident. (Washtenaw County).