Holmes Youthful Trainee Act Amended

June 15, 2015

Effective August 18, 2015, eligibility for sentencing under the Holmes Youthful Trainee Act (HYTA), §MCL 762.11 will be expanded. HYTA is a valuable sentencing tool which allows a youthful criminal defendant to plead guilty to a crime and still have the opportunity to maintain a clean criminal record. The new law extends the opportunity to […]

Changes to Adult Expungement

June 15, 2015

“Michigan’s adult expungement law has been amended as of January 12, 2015 to potentially permit more people to have their criminal records expunged. Prior to the amendment, a person could only have a conviction expunged if he or she had no more than one conviction and an additional two “minor offenses.” Under the new law, […]