Marijuana Defense: Margolis Law defends medical marijuana cardholder following police raid
February 26, 2019
Marijuana Defense: Margolis Law defends medical marijuana cardholder following police raid Our client was criminally charged with marijuana-related charges after a local drug task force raided his home and found marijuana. The criminal charges were brought in spite of the fact that our client, who possesses a medical-marijuana card and is a legal caregiver for […]
Title IX Defense: College Student Against University Investigation
February 25, 2019
Title IX Defense: Margolis Law defends college student against university investigation Our client, a student of a local university, was accused of sexual misconduct by fellow students. Margolis Law represented him in the subsequent Title IX investigation. Through our diligent representation, our client was permitted to graduate from the university and receive his transcript.
Misdemeanor Defense: No Jail Time
February 25, 2019
Misdemeanor Defense: Margolis Law Keeps Client Out Of Jail Our client was charged with malicious destruction of personal property, which carries a potential one-year jail sentence, following a disagreement with another driver in a parking garage. Margolis Law convinced prosecutors to agree to a reasonable term of probation, helping our client stay out of jail.
Felony Defense: Charges Dismissed
February 25, 2019
Felony Defense: Margolis Law client has multiple felony charges dismissed Our client was charged in Jackson County with multiple felonies, including home invasion and assault with a dangerous weapon. Margolis Law mounted an aggressive defense, resulting in all charges being dropped.
Fatal Car Wreck: Margolis Law seeks justice for family of teen killed by drunk driver
February 7, 2019
Fatal Car Wreck: Margolis Law seeks justice for family of teen killed by drunk driver A teenager was driving himself and two coworkers back to their office after the lunch break when a drunk driver, whose .33 BAC was more than four times the legal limit, ran a stop sign and crashed into the driver’s […]
Assault & Battery: Margolis Law reaches six-figure settlement with restaurant owners who brutally beat kitchen worker
February 7, 2019
Assault & Battery: Margolis Law reaches six-figure settlement with restaurant owners who brutally beat kitchen worker. Margolis Law represented a family of Chinese immigrants who left their employment as kitchen staff for a Southeast Michigan restaurant due to unpaid wages. When they arrived at the restaurant to collect their final paycheck, they were met by […]
Teens get probation in theft of dozens of Ann Arbor high school laptops
October 23, 2017
Reposted from From Mlive: By Darcie Moran, ANN ARBOR, MI – Two former Skyline High School students will serve probation after police say they stole dozens of laptops from the school earlier this year. Henry “Hank” McMillin and Julien Faro, who were 18 when they were charged, were sentenced Oct. 10 to two years probation by Washtenaw County Trial […]
Negotiated CSC Plea Deal for Mexican National
June 5, 2015
Margolis Law negotiated a plea deal for a Mexican National, whereby 2 counts of CSC 1 and 102 counts of CSC 2 were dismissed in exchange for a plea to one count of CSC 3.
Non-Jail Sentence Negotiated
June 5, 2015
Margolis Law negotiated a non-jail sentence for a man charged with Resisting and Obstructing, Manufacturing/Distributing Marijuana, and a Probation Violation.
Non-Jail, Probationary Sentence for Manufacturing and/or Distributing Marijuana
June 5, 2015
Margolis Law obtained a non-jail, probationary sentence for a man charged with Manufacturing and/or Distributing Marijuana.